A deep Chandra observation of the Wolf-Rayet + black hole binary NGC300 X-1

B. Binder, B. F. Williams, M. Eracleous, M. R. Garcia, S. F. Anderson, T. J. Gaetz

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16 Scopus citations


We have obtained a 63ks Chandra ACIS-I observation of the Wolf-Rayet + black hole binary NGC300 X-1. We measure rapid low-amplitude variability in the 0.35-8keV light curve. The power density spectrum has a power-law index γ = 1.02 ± 0.15 consistent with an accreting black hole in a steep power-law state. When compared to previous studies of NGC300 X-1 performed with XMM-Newton, we find the source at the low end of the previously measured 0.3-10keV luminosity. The spectrum of NGC300 X-1 is dominated by a power law (Γ = 2.0 ± 0.3) with a contribution at low energies by a thermal component. We estimate the 0.3-10keV luminosity to be 2.6+0.8 -1.0 × 1038ergs-1. The timing and spectroscopic properties of NGC300 X-1 are consistent with being in a steep power-law state, similar to earlier observations performed with XMM-Newton. We additionally compare our observations to known high-mass X-ray binaries and ultraluminous X-ray sources, and find the properties of NGC300 X-1 are most consistent with black hole high-mass X-ray binaries.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number128
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Dec 1 2011

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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