A highly scalable dielectric metamaterial with superior capacitor performance over a broad temperature

Tian Zhang, Xin Chen, Yash Thakur, Biao Lu, Qiyan Zhang, J. Runt, Q. M. Zhang

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271 Scopus citations


Although many polymers exhibit excellent dielectric performance including high energy density with high efficiency at room temperature, their electric and dielectric performance deteriorates at high temperatures (~150°C). Here, we show that nanofillers at very low volume content in a high-temperature (high–glass transition temperature) semicrystalline dipolar polymer, poly(arylene ether urea), can generate local structural changes, leading to a marked increase in both dielectric constant and breakdown field, and substantially reduce conduction losses at high electric fields and over a broad temperature range. Consequently, the polymer with a low nanofiller loading (0.2 volume %) generates a high discharged energy density of ca. 5 J/cm3 with high efficiency at 150°C. The experimental data reveal microstructure changes in the nanocomposites, which, at 0.2 volume % nanofiller loading, reduce constraints on dipole motions locally in the glassy state of the polymer, reduce the mean free path for the mobile charges, and enhance the deep trap level.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbereaax6622
JournalScience Advances
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 24 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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