Advances in treating metastatic bone cancer: Summary statement for the First Cambridge Conference

Allan Lipton, James R. Berenson, Jean Jacques Body, Brendan F. Boyce, Oyvind S. Bruland, Michael A. Carducci, Charles S. Cleeland, Denis R. Clohisy, Robert E. Coleman, Richard J. Cook, Theresa A. Guise, Roger N. Pearse, Trevor J. Powles, Michael J. Rogers, G. David Roodman, Matthew R. Smith, Larry J. Suva, Robert L. Vessella, Katherine N. Weilbaecher, Laura King

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


The First Cambridge Conference on Advances in Treating Metastatic Bone Cancer, a symposium held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 28 to 29, 2005, Was convened to discuss recent advances and research related to the natural history of bone metastases and skeletal complications, bone cancer biology, treatment of myeloma and other solid tumors, and treatment-induced bone loss. The conference format combined brief presentations with extended periods of discussion. The conclusions reached during the 2-day meeting are summarized in this article and presented in more detail in the individual articles and accompanying discussion sessions that comprise the conference proceedings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6209s-6212s
JournalClinical Cancer Research
Issue number20 PART 2
StatePublished - Oct 15 2006

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Medicine


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