J. A. White, A. C. Boley, A. M. Hughes, K. M. Flaherty, E. Ford, D. Wilner, S. Corder, M. Payne

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31 Scopus citations


We present ALMA band 7 (345 GHz) continuum and 12CO(J = 3-2) observations of the circumstellar disk surrounding HD 141569. At an age of about 5 Myr, the disk has a complex morphology that may be best interpreted as a nascent debris system with gas. Our 870 μm ALMA continuum observations resolve a dust disk out to approximately 56 au from the star (assuming a distance of 116 pc) with 0.″38 resolution and 0.07 mJy beam-1 sensitivity. We measure a continuum flux density for this inner material of 3.8 ±0.4 mJy (including calibration uncertainties). The 12CO(3-2) gas is resolved kinematically and spatially from about 30 to 210 au. The integrated 12CO(3-2) line flux density is 15.7 ±1.6 Jy km s-1. We estimate the mass of the millimeter debris and 12CO(3-2) gas to be gap 0.04 M and ∼2 ×10-3 M , respectively. If the millimeter grains are part of a collisional cascade, then we infer that the inner disk (<50 au) has ∼160 M contained within objects less than 50 km in radius, depending on the planetesimal size distribution and density assumptions. Markov Chain Monte Carlo modeling of the system reveals a disk morphology with an inclination of 53.°4 centered around an M = 2.39 M o host star (Msin(i) = 1.92 M o). We discuss whether the gas in HD 141569's disk may be second generation. If it is, the system can be used to study the clearing stages of planet formation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number6
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - Sep 20 2016

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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