Assessing satisfaction of search in virtual mammograms for experienced and novice searchers

Stephen H. Adamo, Nelson Roque, Bruno Barufaldi, Joseph Schmidt, Claudia Mello-Thoms, Miguel Lago

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Purpose: Satisfaction of search (SOS) is a phenomenon where searchers are more likely to miss a lesion/target after detecting a first lesion/target. Here, we investigated SOS for masses and calcifications in virtual mammograms with experienced and novice searchers to determine the extent to which: (1) SOS affects breast lesion detection, (2) similarity between lesions impacts detection, and (3) experience impacts SOS rates. Approach: The open virtual clinical trials framework was used to simulate the breast anatomy of patients, and up to two simulated masses and/or single-calcifications were inserted into the breast models. Experienced searchers (residents, fellows, and radiologists with breast imaging experience) and novice searchers (undergraduates who had no breast imaging experience) were instructed to search for up to two lesions (masses and calcifications) per image. Results: 2 × 2 mixed factors analysis of variances (ANOVAs) were run with: (1) single versus second lesion hit rates, (2) similar versus dissimilar second-lesion hit rates, and (3) similar versus dissimilar second-lesion response times as within-subject factors and experience as the between subject's factor. The ANOVAs demonstrated that: (1) experienced and novice searchers made a significant amount of SOS errors, (2) similarity had little impact on experienced searchers, but novice searchers were more likely to miss a dissimilar second lesion compared to when it was similar to a detected first lesion, (3) experienced and novice searchers were faster at finding similar compared to dissimilar second lesions. Conclusions: We demonstrated that SOS is a significant cause of lesion misses in virtual mammograms and that reader experience impacts detection rates for similar compared to dissimilar abnormalities. These results suggest that experience may impact strategy and/or recognition with theoretical implications for determining why SOS occurs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberS11917
JournalJournal of Medical Imaging
StatePublished - Feb 1 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging

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