Backward emitted high-energy neutrons in hard reactions of p and π+ on carbon

A. Malki, J. Alster, G. Asryan, Y. Averichev, D. Barton, V. Baturin, N. Bukhtoyarova, A. Carroll, S. Heppelmann, T. Kawabata, A. Leksanov, Y. Makdisi, E. Minina, I. Navon, H. Nicholson, A. Ogawa, Yu Panebratsev, E. Piasetzky, A. Schetkovsky, S. ShimanskiyA. Tang, J. W. Watson, H. Yoshida, D. Zhalov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Beams of protons and pions of 5.9 GeV/c were incident on a C target. Neutrons emitted into the backward hemisphere, in the laboratory system, were detected in (triple) coincidence with two emerging particles of tranverse momenta pt>0.6 GeV/c. We determined that for (46.5±3.7)% of the proton-induced events and for (40.8±4.5)% of the pion-induced events with the two high-pt particles, there is also at least one backward emitted neutron with momentum greater than 0.32 GeV/c. This observation is in sharp contrast to a well-established universal pattern from a large variety of earlier inclusive measurements with hadrons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and antineutrinos where the probability for backward nucleon emission was in the 5 to 10 % range. We present also a measurement of the momentum spectra for the backward going neutrons. The spectra have the same universal shape observed in the inclusive reactions. We speculate that the enhanced backward neutron emission in this semi-inclusive region could be an indication for a strong dependence of the cross section on the squared total center-of-mass energy (s) and for the importance of short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number015207
Pages (from-to)152071-1520710
Number of pages1368640
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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