Building a clinical research network in trauma orthopaedics: The major extremity trauma research consortium (METRC)

Ellen J. MacKenzie, Michael J. Bosse, Andrew N. Pollak, Paul Tornetta, Hope Carlisle, Heather Silva, Joseph R. Hsu, Madhav A. Karunakar, Stephen H. Sims, Rachel B. Seymour, Christine Churchill, David J. Hak, Corey Henderson, Hannah Gissel, Andrew Schmidt, Paul M. Lafferty, Jerald R. Westberg, Todd McKinley, Greg Gaski, Amy NelsonJ. Spence Reid, Henry A. Boateng, Pamela M. Warlow, Heather A. Vallier, Brendan M. Patterson, Alysse J. Boyd, Christopher Smith, James E. Toledano, Kevin M. Kuhn, Sarah B. Langensiepen, Michael T. Mazurek, Joshua Langford, Paula Harriott, Roman A. Hayda, Gregory A. Zych, James J. Hutson, Dinorah Rodriguez, Daniel Stinner, Patrick M. Osborn, Dennis W. Mann, Clifford B. Jones, Debra L. Sietsema, Terrence J. Endres, Lisa K. Cannada, J. Tracy Watson, Roy Sanders, H. Claude Sagi, Daniel S. Chan, Barbara Steverson, Theodore Miclau, Saam Morshed, Tigist Belaye, J. Lawrence Marsh, Matthew D. Karam, Brian O. Westerlind, Robert O'Toole, Theodore T. Manson, Marcus F. Sciadini, Jason W. Nascone, George Russell, Patrick F. Bergin, Lori Smith, David C. Teague, Kathy Carl, Janet Wells, Andrew R. Evans, Dana J. Farrell, Medardo R. Maroto, Joshua Gary, Andrew R. Burgess, Kathy Franco, Reza Firoozabadi, Bruce Sangeorzan, William T. Obremskey, Hassan R. Mir, Kristin R. Archer, Cesar S. Molina, Eben Carroll, Robert D. Teasdall, Martha B. Holden, J. Brett Goodman, Wade Gordon, John Keeling, Xochitl Ceniceros, Joseph C. Wenke, James R. Ficke, James A. Keeney, Daniel V. Unger, Renan C. Castillo, Daniel O. Scharfstein, Lisa Reider, Katherine Frey, Anthony Carlini, Gregory De Lissovoy, Rachel Holthaus, Mary Zadnik-Newell, Lauren E. Allen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


Objectives: Lessons learned from battle have been fundamental to advancing the care of injuries that occur in civilian life. Equally important is the need to further refine these advances in civilian practice, so they are available during future conflicts. The Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC) was established to address these needs. Methods: METRC is a network of 22 core level I civilian trauma centers and 4 core military treatment centers-with the ability to expand patient recruitment to more than 30 additional satellite trauma centers for the purpose of conducting multicenter research studies relevant to the treatment and outcomes of orthopaedic trauma sustained in the military. Early measures of success of the Consortium pertain to building of an infrastructure to support the network, managing the regulatory process, and enrolling and following patients in multiple studies. Results: METRC has been successful in maintaining the engagement of several leading, high volume, level I trauma centers that form the core of METRC; together they operatively manage 15,432 major fractures annually. METRC is currently funded to conduct 18 prospective studies that address 6 priority areas. The design and implementation of these studies are managed through a single coordinating center. As of December 1, 2015, a total of 4560 participants have been enrolled. Conclusions: Success of METRC to date confirms the potential for civilian and military trauma centers to collaborate on critical research issues and leverage the strength that comes from engaging patients and providers from across multiple centers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)353-361
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of orthopaedic trauma
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1 2016

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Surgery
  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine


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