Characterizing resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi in soybean

M. R. Miles, M. R. Bonde, S. E. Nester, D. K. Berner, R. D. Frederick, G. L. Hartman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Scopus citations


Resistance in soybean to Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the cause of soybean rust, is characterized by either reddish-brown (RB) lesions or an immune response. The RB type of resistance can be incomplete, as evidenced by the presence of sporulating uredinia within lesions. Susceptibility, on the other hand, is exemplified by tan-colored (TAN) lesions, and can be expressed in gradations of susceptibility or partial resistance that are less well defined. This study evaluated traits associated with incomplete or partial resistance to P. pachyrhizi in soybean by comparing 34 soybean accessions inoculated with four P. pachyrhizi isolates. Six accessions produced RB lesions to all four isolates, while 19 accessions produced TAN lesions, including plant introduction (PI) 200492 (Rpp1) and the susceptible check 'Williams'. Williams had among the largest area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values and area under the sporulating uredinia progress curve (AUSUPC) values, while eight accessions had lower AUSUPC values. Of the known sources of single-gene resistance, only PI 230970 (Rpp2), PI 459025B (Rpp4), and PI 594538A (Rpp1b) had lower AUDPC and AUSUPC values than Williams. PI 594538A and PI 561356 had RB lesions and had the lowest AUDPC and AUSUPC values. Of the known sources of single-gene resistance, only PI 230970 (Rpp2) and PI 594538A (Rpp1b) produced fewer and smaller-diameter uredinia than Williams. This study characterized reactions to P. pachyrhizi in 34 accessions based on lesion type and sporulation, and defined incomplete resistance and partial resistance in the soybean-P. pachyrhizi interaction.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)577-581
Number of pages5
JournalPlant disease
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2011

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Plant Science


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