Comparing oceanic heat uptake in AOGCM transient climate change experiments

Andrei P. Sokolov, Chris E. Forest, Peter H. Stone

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41 Scopus citations


The transient response of both surface air temperature and deep ocean temperature to an increasing external forcing strongly depends on climate sensitivity and the rate of the heat mixing into the deep ocean, estimates for both of which have large uncertainty. In this paper a method for estimating rates of oceanic heat uptake for coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models from results of transient climate change simulations is described. For models considered in this study, the estimates vary by a factor of 2 1/2. Nevertheless, values of oceanic heat uptake for all models fall in the range implied by the climate record for the last century. It is worth noting that the range of the model values is narrower than that consistent with observations and thus does not provide a full measure of the uncertainty in the rate of oceanic heat uptake.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1573-1582
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Climate
Issue number10
StatePublished - May 15 2003

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Atmospheric Science


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