Compositional modeling of retrograde gas-condensate reservoirs in multi-mechanistic flow domains

L. F. Ayala, T. Ertekin, M. Adewumi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

8 Scopus citations


A multi-mechanistic flow environment is the result of the combined action of a Darcian flow component (the macroscopic flow of the phase due to pressure gradients) and a Fickian-like or diffusive flow component (diffusive flow due to molecular concentration gradients) taking place in a hydrocarbon reservoir. The present work presents the framework needed for the assessment of the impact of multi-mechanistic flow on systems where complex fluid behavior - such as that of retrograde gas-condensate fluids - requires the implementation of compositional reservoir simulators. Due to the complex fluid behavior nature of gas-condensate fluids, a fully-implicit (IMPISC-type) compositional model is implemented and the model is used for the study of the isothermal depletion of naturally fractured retrograde gas reservoirs. In these systems, especially those tight systems with very low permeability (k < 0.1 md), bulk fluid flow as predicted by Darcy's law might not take place despite the presence of large pressure gradients. The use of an effective diffusion coefficient in the gas phase - which accounts for the combined effect of the different diffusion mechanisms that could take place in a porous medium - and its relative contribution to fluid recovery is discussed. The compositional tracking capabilities of the model are tested and the conditions where Fickian flow can be the major player in recovery predictions and considerably overcome the flow impairment to gas flow posed by the eventual appearance of a condensate barrier - typical of gas-condensate systems - are investigated. Finally, a mapping that defines different domains where multi-mechanistic flow can be expected in compositional simulators of retrograde gas-condensate reservoirs is presented.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationSociety of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference 2005, LACPEC 2005
PublisherSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
ISBN (Print)9781613990063
StatePublished - 2005
EventSPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference 2005, LACPEC 2005 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Duration: Jun 20 2005Jun 23 2005

Publication series

NameSPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings


OtherSPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference 2005, LACPEC 2005
CityRio de Janeiro

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology


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