Computerized tomographic angiography for preoperative assessment of the superficial temporal artery for external carotid artery to internal carotid artery bypass: Case illustration

Khashayar Farsad, Reyaad A. Hayek, Alexander C. Mamourian, Jonathan A. Friedman

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1 Scopus citations


Introduction: While catheter angiography has traditionally been used to assess the caliber and course of the superficial temporal artery prior to its use as a conduit for external carotid artery to internal carotid artery (EC-IC) bypass, computed tomographic angiography (CTA) has become increasingly used in the diagnostic assessment of cerebral vasculature. We demonstrate the application of CTA for evaluation of the superficial temporal artery as a vascular conduit for EC-IC bypass.

Case presentation: A female in the fourth decade of life presented with the chief complaint of headache. CTA of the Circle of Willis revealed an unruptured fusiform aneurysm of the M1 segment of the right middle cerebral artery (MCA). We performed CTA for the preoperative assessment of the STA for a putative EC-IC bypass procedure, and correlated this to conventional external carotid angiography. Reformatted CTA provided excellent surface visualization of the STA and its course in relationship to the cranial and zygomatic surfaces, and correlated well with findings on the conventional angiogram.

Conclusion: CTA may eventually prove sufficient for use in assessing the STA in preparation for EC-IC bypass.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number119
JournalCases Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - Aug 21 2008

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Medicine


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