title = "Congenital Hypopituitarism and Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia in Two Infants",
author = "Roberto Lanes and Victor Blanchette and Chandra Edwin and Kenneth Zahka and Lee, {Peter A.} and Pakula, {Lawrence C.} and Maclean, {William C.} and Plotnick, {Leslie P.}",
note = "Funding Information: Thisinvestigationwassupportedbyresearch grantAM-00180andtraineeshipgrantAM- 07116,fromtheNational InstitutesofHealth, and grant RR0052 from the General Clinical ResearchCentersProgramoftheDivisionof Research Resources, National Institutes of Health,andtheHospitalforConsumptivesof Maryland(Eudowood),Baltimore. TheNationalInstituteofArthritis,Metabo¬ lismandDigestive Diseases, and the National PituitaryAgencyoftheUniversityofMaryland suppliedthehumangrowthhormone.",
year = "1978",
month = sep,
doi = "10.1001/archpedi.1978.02120340102022",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "132",
pages = "926--928",
journal = "American Journal of Diseases of Children",
issn = "0096-8994",
publisher = "American Medical Association",
number = "9",