Connectivity and molecular profiles of Foxp2- and Dbx1-lineage neurons in the accessory olfactory bulb and medial amygdala

Nandkishore Prakash, Heidi Y. Matos, Sonia Sebaoui, Luke Tsai, Tuyen Tran, Adejimi Aromolaran, Isabella Atrachji, Nya Campbell, Meredith Goodrich, David Hernandez-Pineda, Maria Jesus Herrero, Tsutomu Hirata, Julieta Lischinsky, Wendolin Martinez, Shisui Torii, Satoshi Yamashita, Hassan Hosseini, Katie Sokolowski, Shigeyuki Esumi, Yuka Imamura KawasawaKazue Hashimoto-Torii, Kevin S. Jones, Joshua G. Corbin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


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