Consumer purchases of Campanula carpatica Jacq. 'Blue Clips' in selected supermarket floral departments as an indoor flowering potted plant

Kathleen M. Kelley, Bridget K. Behe, Elizabeth H. Moore

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Four-inch (10.2-cm) potted flowering Campanula carpatica Jacq. 'Blue Clips' (campanula) traditional herbaceous perennials, were sold in floral departments of three retail supermarket chain stores from 5 May through 20 May and 16 June through 1 July 2000. The intent was to determine whether repositioning campanula as a "new" indoor flowering potted plant would add to total floral department sales or detract from sales of more traditional flowering potted plants. Unit sales for all 4- and 4.5-inch (10.2- and 11.3-cm) flowering potted plants stocked in three supermarket floral departments were recorded weekly and compared with unit sales from three stores where campanula were not sold (control). Unit sales for campanula were similar to those of traditional indoor flowering potted plants frequently stocked in floral departments. Statistical analysis showed that mean unit sales of traditional potted flowering plants for stores that did and did not stock campanula were similar. Therefore, adding campanula to the flowering potted plant mix did not detract from or jeopardize sales of similar indoor flowering potted plants.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)121-123
Number of pages3
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2003

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Horticulture


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