Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: Why Earlier Use Makes Shared Decision Making Important

Jaime Montemayor, Harini Sarva, Karen Kelly-Blake, Laura Y. Cabrera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Introduction: As deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shifted to being used earlier during Parkinson’s disease (PD), data is lacking regarding patient specific attitudes, preferences, and factors which may influence the timing of and decision to proceed with DBS in the United States. This study aims to identify and compare attitudes and preferences regarding the earlier use of DBS in Parkinson’s patients who have and have not undergone DBS. Methods: We developed an online survey concerning attitudes about DBS and its timing in PD. The survey was distributed nationally in the United States via the Michael J. Fox Foundation Trial Finder, the American Parkinson Disease Association flyers, and as a link on the Parkinson Alliance website. Differences in responses between PD DBS and non-DBS patients were assessed. Results: A total of 445 patients with PD met eligibility criteria for the survey of which 160 self-identified as having undergone DBS. Fifty-five percent (n = 124) of non-DBS patients believed that DBS for PD should only be considered after all medication options have been tried. Patients favoring early DBS had fewer concerns regarding the surgery than those favoring later DBS. Conclusion: Our findings highlight a variety of important considerations and concerns patients have regarding DBS and its timing. These viewpoints are important aspects of shared decision-making, as they help to identify patients’ preferences, values, and goals, which should enable providers to better navigate, with their patients, the decision path for therapeutic options to consider.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number17
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Neurology
  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Philosophy
  • Health Policy


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