Design thinking as an organizational intervention for innovation

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

2 Scopus citations


Design thinking has been identified as a tool for innovation and organizational transformation, but in reality it is much more than that. It is a hands-on, user-centric approach to problem-solving that can lead to innovation, product differentiation, and competitive advantage. Design thinking requires changing the core business model and altering the mindset of the organization—from the top down. The benefits of design thinking are clear—from customer satisfaction to returns on investments to financial gains—but what it is and how it can be successfully integrated into an organization is much less evident. This chapter outlines what design thinking is, as both a process and a mindset, and discusses key tenants of design thinking and tools that can be used to drive design thinking within organizations. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the challenges of integrating design thinking within an organization and highlights areas for future research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationHandbook of Organizational Creativity
Subtitle of host publicationLeadership, Interventions, and Macro Level Issues, Second Edition
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)9780323918411
ISBN (Print)9780323984829
StatePublished - Jan 1 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Psychology


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