Determination of Reynolds shear stress level for hemolysis

Choon Sik Jhun, Megan A. Stauffer, John D. Reibson, Eric E. Yeager, Raymond K. Newswanger, Joshua O. Taylor, Keefe B. Manning, William J. Weiss, Gerson Rosenberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Reynolds shear stress (RSS) has served as a metric for the effect of turbulence on hemolysis. Forstrom (1969) and Sallam and Hwang (1984) determined the RSS threshold for hemolysis to be 50,000 and 4,000 dyne/cm2, respectively, using a turbulent jet. Despite the order of magnitude discrepancy, the threshold by Sallam and Hwang has been frequently cited for hemolytic potential in blood pumps. We recreated a Sallam apparatus (SA) to resolve this discrepancy and provide additional data to be used in developing a more accurate hemolysis model. Hemolysis was measured over a large range of Reynolds numbers (Re) (Re = 1,000–80,000). Washed bovine red blood cells (RBCs) were injected into the free jet of phosphate buffered saline, and hemolysis was quantified using a percent hemolysis, Hp = h (100 − hematocrit [HCT])/ Hb, where h (mg/dl) is free hemoglobin and Hb (mg/dl) is total hemoglobin. Reynolds shear stress was calculated using two-dimensional laser Doppler velocimetry. Reynolds shear stress of ≥30,000 dyne/cm2 corresponding to Re of ≥60,000 appeared to cause hemolysis (p < 0.05). This RSS is an order of magnitude greater than the RSS threshold that Sallam and Hwang suggested, and it is similar to Forstrom’s RSS threshold. This study resolved a long-standing uncertainty regarding the critical values of RSS for hemolysis and may provide a foundation for a more accurate hemolysis model.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)63-69
Number of pages7
JournalASAIO Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 15 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Biophysics
  • Bioengineering
  • Biomaterials
  • Biomedical Engineering


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