Determining the neutrino mass with cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy - Project 8

Ali Ashtari Esfahani, David M. Asner, Sebastian Böser, Raphael Cervantes, Christine Claessens, Luiz De Viveiros, Peter J. Doe, Shepard Doeleman, Justin L. Fernandes, Martin Fertl, Erin C. Finn, Joseph A. Formaggio, Daniel Furse, Mathieu Guigue, Karsten M. Heeger, A. Mark Jones, Kareem Kazkaz, Jared A. Kofron, Callum Lamb, Benjamin H. LaroqueEric Machado, Elizabeth L. McBride, Michael L. Miller, Benjamin Monreal, Prajwal Mohanmurthy, James A. Nikkel, Noah S. Oblath, Walter C. Pettus, R. G.Hamish Robertson, Leslie J. Rosenberg, Gray Rybka, Devyn Rysewyk, Luis Saldaña, Penny L. Slocum, Matthew G. Sternberg, Jonathan R. Tedeschi, Thomas Thümmler, Brent A. Vandevender, Laura E. Vertatschitsch, Megan Wachtendonk, Jonathan Weintroub, Natasha L. Woods, André Young, Evan M. Zayas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

95 Scopus citations


The most sensitive direct method to establish the absolute neutrino mass is observation of the endpoint of the tritium beta-decay spectrum. Cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) is a precision spectrographic technique that can probe much of the unexplored neutrino mass range with O(eV) resolution. A lower bound of m(νe) ≳ 9(0.1) meV is set by observations of neutrino oscillations, while the KATRIN experiment-the current-generation tritium beta-decay experiment that is based on magnetic adiabatic collimation with an electrostatic (MAC-E) filter-will achieve a sensitivity of m(νe) ≲ 0.2 eV. The CRES technique aims to avoid the difficulties in scaling up a MAC-E filter-based experiment to achieve a lower mass sensitivity. In this paper we review the current status of the CRES technique and describe Project 8, a phased absolute neutrino mass experiment that has the potential to reach sensitivities down to m(νe) ≲ 40 meV using an atomic tritium source.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number054004
JournalJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - Mar 30 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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