Direct observation of lifetime killing defects in 4H SiC epitaxial layers through spin dependent recombination in bipolar junction transistors

C. J. Cochrane, P. M. Lenahan, A. J. Lelis

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14 Scopus citations


We have identified a magnetic resonance spectrum associated with minority carrier lifetime killing defects in device quality 4H SiC through magnetic resonance measurements in bipolar junction transistors using spin dependent recombination (SDR). The SDR spectrum has nine distinguishable lines; it is, within experimental error, essentially isotropic with four distinguishable pairs of side peaks symmetric about the strong center line. The line shape is, within experimental error, independent of bias voltage and recombination current. The large amplitude and spacing of the inner pair of side peaks and three more widely separated pairs of side peaks are not consistent with either a simple silicon or carbon vacancy or a carbon or silicon antisite. This indicates that the lifetime killing defect is not a simple defect but a defect aggregate. The spectrum is consistent with a multidefect cluster with an electron spin S= 1 2. (The observed spectrum has not been reported previously in the magnetic resonance literature on SiC.) A fairly strong argument can be made in terms of a first order model linking the SDR spectrum to a divacancy or possibly a vacancy/antisite pair. The SDR amplitude versus gate voltage is semiquantitatively consistent with a very simple model in which the defect is uniformly distributed within the depletion region of the base/collector junction and is also the dominating recombination center. The large relative amplitude of the SDR response is more nearly consistent with a Kaplan-Solomon-Mott-like model for spin dependent recombination than the Lepine model.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number064502
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2009

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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