Discovery and follow-up of a nearby galaxy from the Arecibo zone of avoidance survey

T. P. McIntyre, R. F. Minchin, E. Momjian, P. A. Henning, A. Kaur, B. Parton

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6 Scopus citations


The Arecibo L-Band Feed Array Zone of Avoidance (ALFA ZOA) Survey has discovered a nearby galaxy, ALFA ZOA J1952+1428, at a heliocentric velocity of +279km s-1. The galaxy was discovered at low Galactic latitude by 21cm emission from neutral hydrogen (H I). We have obtained follow-up observations with the Expanded Very Large Array and the 0.9m Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy optical telescope. The H I distribution overlaps an uncataloged, potential optical counterpart. The H I linear size is 1.4kpc at our adopted distance of D = 7Mpc, but the distance estimate is uncertain as Hubble's law is unreliable at low recessional velocities. The optical counterpart has mB = 16.9mag and B - R = 0.1mag. These characteristics, including = 107.0 M and L B = 107.5 L, if at 7Mpc, indicate that this galaxy is a blue compact dwarf, but this remains uncertain until further follow-up observations are complete. Optical follow-up observations are ongoing and near-infrared follow-up observations have been scheduled.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberL26
JournalAstrophysical Journal Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - Sep 20 2011

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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