Distribution, survival, and development of spotted lanternfly on host plants found in North America

Kelly Murman, Gregory P. Setliff, Cathryn V. Pugh, Michael J. Toolan, Isaiah Canlas, Stefani Cannon, Leslie Abreu, Miranda Fetchen, Longwa Zhang, Melissa L. Warden, Matthew Wallace, Jacob Wickham, Sven Erik Spichiger, Emelie Swackhamer, Daniel Carrillo, Allison Cornell, Nathan T. Derstine, Lawrence Barringer, Miriam F. Cooperband

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

34 Scopus citations


Studies were conducted from 2015 to 2018 to evaluate spotted lanternfly (SLF) distribution and developmental suitability of different plant species in the U.S. Tree bands on 283 trees spanning 33 species captured 21,006 SLF in 2 yr. More SLF per tree were trapped on tree-of-heaven Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Sapindales: Simaroubaceae) than on other species, on average, and most adults were captured on tree-of-heaven. Frequency of detection of adult SLF was higher on tree-of-heaven than on other species but was actually equal or lower on tree-of-heaven than on all other species combined for younger SLF stages in 2015.An enclosed choice test between tree-of-heaven and black walnut JuglansnigraL. (Fagales: Juglandaceae) revealed nymphs showed little consistent preference, whereas adults consistently and significantly preferred tree-of-heaven. No-choice field sleeve studies evaluated SLF survivorship on 26 host plant species in 17 families.Ten plant species supported SLF for an average of ≥45 d, with the rest unable to support SLF for >30 d. Eight species were able to support development from first instar to adult: black walnut, chinaberry Melia azedarach L. (Sapindales: Meliaceae), oriental bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatusThunb. (Celastrales: Celastraceae), tree-of-heaven, hops Humulus lupulus L. (Rosales: Cannabaceae), sawtooth oak Quercus acutissima Carruthers (Fagales: Fagaceae), butternut Juglans cinerea L, and tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifiera L. (Magnoliales: Magnoliaceae).The ability of SLF to develop to adult on hosts other than tree-of-heaven may impact pest management decisions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1270-1281
Number of pages12
JournalEnvironmental entomology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 1 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Ecology
  • Insect Science


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