Electron spin resonance study of ISE SOI processed structures

P. M. Lenahan, G. A. Wilson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Summary form only given. The electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements show the presence of an orientation-dependent resonance near g = 2.005. Preliminary ESR measurements indicate quite strongly that the resonance is primarily due to a (rather low) density of Pbo centers. The Pbo center is a trivalent silicon defect at a Si/SiO2 interface with an unpaired electron in an approximately sp3 hybridized orbital pointing out into the oxide. The Pb centers are interface-state defects with two levels in the silicon band gap. The ESR results must be viewed as preliminary in nature. They do however, indicate that these SOI structure exhibit relatively low defect densities. ESR results obtained in SIMOX (separation by implantation of oxygen) and ISE (isolated silicon epitaxy) SOI structures are being compared and etchback studies are being used to determine whether or not other dangling bond centers may be present in the ISE silicon.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages2
StatePublished - 1989
EventIEEE SOS/SOI Technology Conference 1989 - Stateline, NV, USA
Duration: Oct 3 1989Oct 5 1989


OtherIEEE SOS/SOI Technology Conference 1989
CityStateline, NV, USA

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering


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