Electrostrictive Effects in Non-polar Perovskites

K. Uchino, L. E. Cross, R. E. Newnham

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

45 Scopus citations


Polarization-related electrostrictive coefficients Qhhave been determined for relaxation dielectrics 0.856Sr T1O3-O.144 Bi23TiO3and (K3, 4Bi, 4) (Zn1/6Nb5, 6)O3, and for a simple non-polar perovskite BaZr03by measuring the hydrostatic pressure dependence of the dielectric permittivity. Anomalous variation in the electrostrictive coefficient with temperature and frequency were observed in (K3/4Bi1/4) (Znt/6Nb5/6)O3in the relaxation-temperature region. This behavior can be explained qualitatively with a simple model based on potential barriers separating alternative cation sites. The empirical rule noted previously for ferroelectric perovskites, that the electrostrictive Q coefficient increases with cation order from disordered, through simple and then ordered perovskites is confirmed again in non-polar perovskites.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)333-341
Number of pages9
JournalPhase Transitions
Issue number4
StatePublished - Nov 1980

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Instrumentation
  • General Materials Science


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