Employment in the equine industry in 2022: Insights into career types, salaries, and benefits

Hannah L. Lochner, Aubrey L. Jaqueth, W. Burton Staniar, Krishona L. Martinson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The equine industry contributes $74 billion and provides 1.3 million jobs annually to the United States economy. However, limited information is available on the current salaries and benefits of equine professionals. In 2022, an online survey was conducted to assess salaries, benefits, and education levels of equine professionals across several career types in the equine industry. The survey consisted of 38 questions with conditional branching and was distributed through social media and e-newsletters. Survey branching focused on grouping participants by career type into the following categories: farm management, government, industry, nonprofit, private practice, and university. The most prevalent career type represented was farm management (34%) followed by private practice (18%), academia (17%), industry (15%), nonprofit (12%), and government (4%). Associations between variables were examined with Chi-squared analysis. An association was observed between education level and salary (P = 0.001, X2 = 103.17) with salaries greater than $50,000 being more prevalent with advanced degrees. Similarly, job type and salary were associated (P = 0.001, X2 = 73.47), where salaries for academia and industry careers were often greater than $50,000 and nonprofit and farm management salaries were more often less or equal to $50,000. Compared to professionals in farm management or in private practice, those in academia and government received more benefits (P<0.05). Data collected from this survey creates a baseline for evaluating compensation across the equine industry and exposed opportunities for improvements in future surveys. Outside of industry salary comparisons, survey data can be used by educators to emphasize the benefit of further education to increase salary and benefits.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number105142
JournalJournal of Equine Veterinary Science
StatePublished - Sep 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Equine


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