Stephen L. Gordon, Gordon D. Moskowitz, Joseph Lawrence Rose, Richard W. Carr, Francis W. Cooke, Georgine M. Overall, William B. Tarpley, Roger C. May, John Sommers, Bryon Finlay, John H. Evans, James F. North, Tom Gibson, Robert M. Kenedi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Following is the continuation of the list of titles and authors: Non-Linear Effects in Head Impact and Protection Analysis. By Stephen L. Gordon, Gordon D. Moskowitz and Joseph L. Rose. Statistical Investigation of Crash Accelerations Effects on a Seated Occupant. By Richard W. Carr. Dilatant Suspensions for Impact Protection. By Francis W. Cooke, Georgine M. Overall, William B. Tarpley Jr. and Roger C. May. Airbag Restraint for General Aviation Aircraft. By John Sommers Jr. Dynamic and Structural Characteristics of Human Skin: A Comparative Study with Chamois Leather. By Bryon Finlay, John H. Evans, James F. North, Tom Gibson and Robert M. Kenedi.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Jan 1 1972

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering


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