Ephaptic Coupling Promotes Synchronous Firing of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells

Kyung Seok Han, Chong Guo, Christopher H. Chen, Laurens Witter, Tomas Osorno, Wade G. Regehr

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71 Scopus citations


Correlated neuronal activity at various timescales plays an important role in information transfer and processing. We find that in awake-behaving mice, an unexpectedly large fraction of neighboring Purkinje cells (PCs) exhibit sub-millisecond synchrony. Correlated firing usually arises from chemical or electrical synapses, but, surprisingly, neither is required to generate PC synchrony. We therefore assessed ephaptic coupling, a mechanism in which neurons communicate via extracellular electrical signals. In the neocortex, ephaptic signals from many neurons summate to entrain spiking on slow timescales, but extracellular signals from individual cells are thought to be too small to synchronize firing. Here we find that a single PC generates sufficiently large extracellular potentials to open sodium channels in nearby PC axons. Rapid synchronization is made possible because ephaptic signals generated by PCs peak during the rising phase of action potentials. These findings show that ephaptic coupling contributes to the prevalent synchronization of nearby PCs. Han et al. find that single cerebellar Purkinje cells generate large extracellular signals during the rising phase of their action potentials that rapidly excite nearby axons to synchronize the firing of neighboring Purkinje cells.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)564-578.e3
Issue number3
StatePublished - Nov 7 2018

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Neuroscience

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