Exploring minijets beyond the leading power

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The crucial parameter in the current Monte Carlo models of high energy hadron-hadron interaction is the transverse momentum cutoff pT0 for parton-parton interactions, which slowly grows with energy and regularizes the cross section. This modification of the collinear factorization formula goes beyond the leading power, and thus a natural question arises if such a cutoff can be extracted from a formalism that takes into account power corrections. In this work, we consider the high energy factorization (HEF) valid at small x and a new model, based on a similar principle to HEF, which in addition has a limit respecting the Dokshitzer-Dyakonov-Troyan formula for the dijet momentum disbalance spectrum. The minijet cross section and its suppression are then analyzed in two ways. First, we study minijets directly in the low-pT region and demonstrate that higher twist corrections do generate suppression of the inclusive jet production cross section though these effects are not leading to the increase of the cutoff with incident energy. Second, we consider hard inclusive dijet production where multiparton interactions (MPIs) with minijets produce power corrections. We introduce an observable constructed from the differential cross section in the ratio τ of dijet disbalance to the average dijet pT and demonstrate that the τ>1 region is sensitive to the cutoff pT0 in the MPI minijet models. The energy dependence of the cutoff is reflected in the energy dependence of the bimodality coefficient b of the τ distribution. We compare b calculated from pythia, where one can conveniently control MPIs by the program parameters, and HEF for a few unintegrated gluon distributions (UGDs). We find that the energy dependence of b is very sensitive to the particular choice of UGD and in some models it resembles predictions of the Monte Carlo models.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number054009
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number5
StatePublished - Mar 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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