
Black breast cancer survivors (BCS) in comparison with White BCS are more likely to experience suboptimal quality of life (QoL). QoL is a multi-dimensional concept that focuses on different aspects of well-being (e.g., emotional well-being). There is limited evidence on the perspectives and experiences of QoL (e.g., the influence of breast cancer on QoL) and the QoL concerns (e.g., negative perceptions of body appearance) among Black BCS. The purpose of this study was to explore the QoL experiences and QoL concerns of Black BCS. Primary data was collected in semi-structured interviews and analyzed using a thematic analysis. A narrative approach (detailed stories or life experiences of a small group of people) was used to better understand the research topic among the target group. Ferrell’s Conceptual Framework on QoL in Breast Cancer was used to guide the development of the interview questions, codes, and themes. There were 10 Black BCS, averaging 58 years of age. Two coders achieved a moderate level of agreement (i.e., Kappa) of 0.77. Five major themes were identified: defining QoL (what QoL means to them), behavioral changes (e.g., altering behaviors due to cancer), phases of cancer (e.g., breast cancer diagnosis), QoL experiences and factors affecting QoL, and impactful statements from cancer survivors (other meaningful information shared by the participants). The survivors reported multiple QoL concerns and body image issues. The study findings warrant cancer education interventions or programs to address the relevant survivorship issues of Black BCS.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)96-102
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Cancer Education
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Oncology
  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health


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