Fabrication and testing of plasma-spray formed MoSi2 and MoSi2 composite tubes

R. G. Castro, J. R. Hellmann, A. E. Segall, D. L ] Shelleman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

15 Scopus citations


Plasma-spray forming has been used to fabricate thick-wall tubes of MoSi2 and MoSi2 containing concentric layers of Al2O3 This process is being investigated as a potential fabrication method for producing tubular components of MoSi2 and MoSi2 composites for use in high temperature fuel-burner applications. Results will be reported on the spray forming method used to produce tubes of various sizes. The room temperature strength of pure MoSi2 tubes in the as-deposited condition,and after heat-treating at 1500 °C for 2 hours in vacuum, will also be reported. The strength of plasma sprayed MoSi2 tubes were measured via diametral compression of O-ring and C-ring sections in air at room temperature. Qualification of the strength distribution was based on Weibull statistical theory.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationHigh Temperature Silicides and Refractory Alloys
EditorsC.L. Briant, J.J. Petrovic, B.P. Bewlay, A.K. Vasudevan, H.A. Lipsitt
PublisherPubl by Materials Research Society
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)1558992219
StatePublished - 1994
EventProceedings of the 1993 Fall MRS Meeting - Boston, MA, USA
Duration: Nov 29 1993Dec 2 1993


OtherProceedings of the 1993 Fall MRS Meeting
CityBoston, MA, USA

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials


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