Factors impacting the anticipated pleasure of potential physical activity experiences: a conjoint investigation across involvement segments

Jordan D. Kurth, David B. Klenosky, Shih Chun Kao, Yumary Ruiz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The anticipated pleasure of participating in physical activity (PA) is one factor that may increase the likelihood of engagement and may be particularly important for long-term engagement. However, the impact of PA characteristics (e.g., intensity, location) on anticipated pleasure of PA remain unclear. This study used a conjoint analytic approach to evaluate the impact of activity intensity, physical context, and social context on the anticipated pleasure of engaging in PA across involvement segments. In conjoint analysis, participants provide overall ratings of hypothetical options (called profiles) described using levels of the selected study factors. Eight-hundred seventy-one participants (mean 48.3, SD 16.5 years, 66.9% female) evaluated 18 PA profiles that varied based on activity intensity, physical context, and social context. Three PA involvement segments were identified (low, moderate, high). Physical context was most impactful for highly and moderately involved participants; activity intensity had the highest impact for the least involved. Light intensity, outdoor PA performed alone or with family/friends was anticipated to be most pleasant for most participants. Vigorous intensity PA, PA performed at a fitness facility, and PA performed as part of a group elicited anticipated displeasure for those with low involvement. Physical context was most important for most people. Activity intensity was most impactful for frequent targets of PA intervention. PA promotion efforts should focus on light intensity activity, performed outdoors either alone or with family or friends to maximise anticipated pleasure for those least active. Conjoint analysis and audience segmentation show promise for future pleasure-related PA research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1128-1143
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Social Psychology
  • Applied Psychology


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