Fat intake and satiety

B. J. Rolls, D. J. Shide, V. A. Hammer, S. A. Stoner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Overconsumption of dietary fat could be due to poor regulation of fat intake or to a lower satiety value of fat relative to carbohydrate (CHO). However, in several studies of the effects of preloads varying in fat and CHO content on subsequent food intake, there was little difference between fat and CHO. A dose-response preloading paradigm demonstrated that the effects of equicaloric yogurts varying in fat or CHO content did not differ in normal-weight, unrestrained men. However, in restrained eaters and in the obese, fat in the yogurts was less effective in reducing subsequent food intake than CHO. When pure nutrients were infused intragastrically (IG) in normal-weight unrestrained men, accurate caloric compensation was seen for IG infusions of 500 kcal of fat or CHO when the infusions were rapid (15min), but following slower infusion (3.5 h) subjects showed accurate compensation for calories from fat but not CHO. These results suggest further studies of individual differences in responses to fat and CHO and of factors influencing receptors mediating satiety within the gastrointestinal tract. (NIH DK. 39177.).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)90
Number of pages1
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1995

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Psychology
  • Nutrition and Dietetics


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