Feasibility and operating costs of an air cycle for CCHP in a fast food restaurant

H. Perez-Blanco, Edward Vineyard

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations


    This work considers the possibilities of an air-based Brayton cycle to provide the power, heating and cooling needs of fast-food restaurants. A model of the cycle based on conventional turbomachinery loss coefficients is formulated. The heating, cooling and power capabilities of the cycle are extracted from simulation results. Power and thermal loads for restaurants in Knoxville, TN and in International Falls, MN, are considered. It is found that the cycle can meet the loads by setting speed and mass flow-rate apportionment between the power and cooling functional sections. The associated energy costs appear elevated when compared to the cost of operating individual components or a more conventional, absorption-based CHP system. A first-order estimate of capital investments is provided. Suggestions for future work whereby the operational costs could be reduced are given in the conclusions.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)818-828
    Number of pages11
    JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
    StatePublished - Jul 5 2016

    All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
    • Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
    • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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