Feasibility of home-based functional electrical stimulation cycling: Case report

D. R. Dolbow, A. S. Gorgey, D. X. Cifu, J. R. Moore, D. R. Gater

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28 Scopus citations


Study design:Single-subject (male, 64 years of age) case. Objectives: To determine the feasibility of a home-based FES-LEC (functional electrical stimulation lower extremities cycling) program and effects on body composition, quality of life (QOL) and seat pressure mapping in an older individual with spinal cord injured (SCI). Setting: Home-based FES-LEC with internet connection. Southeastern United States. Methods: FES-LEC three sessions per week for 9 weeks in the participant's home and monitored by the research staff via internet connection. Pre- and post-exercise program testing of seat pressure mapping, QOL and body composition including percent body fat (%BF), fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM) and bone mineral density (BMD). Results: The participant completed 25 of 27 recommended exercise sessions over 9 weeks for a 93% compliance rate. Cycling distance increased from 3.98 to 9.00 km (126%). Total body LM increased from 48.94 to 53.02 kg (8.3%). The %BF decreased from 29.6 to 28.4(1.2%). Total body weight, FM and BMD remained unchanged. Average static seat pressure decreased from 55.5 to 52.59 mm Hg (5%), whereas maximum seat pressure decreased from 120.76 to 91.5 mm Hg (24%). The psychological domain (perception of body image, appearance and self-esteem) of the QOL questionnaire improved from 12.67 to 14. Conclusion: Positive changes in this study regarding body composition, QOL and seat pressure mapping support results of clinical studies using FES-LEC training on younger adults with SCI. The high percentage of exercise adherence and positive results on body composition, QOL and seat pressure provide support for the feasibility of home-based FES-LEC.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)170-171
Number of pages2
JournalSpinal Cord
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2012

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Neurology
  • Clinical Neurology


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