Function of the Bacillus subtilis transcription elongation factor NusG in hairpin-dependent RNA polymerase pausing in the trp leader

Alexander V. Yakhnin, Helen Yakhnin, Paul Babitzke

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55 Scopus citations


NusA and NusG are transcription elongation factors that bind to RNA polymerase (RNAP) after σ subunit release. Escherichia coli NusA (NusAEc) stimulates intrinsic termination and RNAPEc pausing, whereas NusGEc promotes Rho-dependent termination and pause escape. Both Nus factors also participate in the formation of RNAPEc antitermination complexes. We showed that Bacillus subtilis NusA (NusA Bs) stimulates intrinsic termination and RNAPBs pausing at U107 and U144 in the trpEDCFBA operon leader. Pausing at U107 and U144 participates in the transcription attenuation and translational control mechanisms, respectively, presumably by providing additional time for trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP) to bind to the nascent trp leader transcript. Here, we show that NusGBs causes modest pause stimulation at U107 and dramatic pause stimulation at U144. NusABs and NusG Bs act synergistically to increase the U107 and U144 pause half-lives. NusGBs-stimulated pausing at U144 requires RNAP Bs, whereas NusABs stimulates pausing of RNAPBs and RNAPEc at the U144 and E. coli his pause sites. Although NusGEc does not stimulate pausing at U144, it competes with NusG Bs-stimulated pausing, suggesting that both proteins bind to the same surface of RNAPBs. Inactivation of nusG results in the loss of RNAP pausing at U144 in vivo and elevated trp operon expression, whereas plasmid-encoded NusG complements the mutant defects. Overexpression of nusG reduces trp operon expression to a larger extent than overexpression of nusA.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)16131-16136
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number42
StatePublished - Oct 21 2008

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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