Future Projections of Water Temperature and Thermal Stratification in Connecticut Reservoirs and Possible Implications for Cyanobacteria

Cristina A. Mullin, Christine J. Kirchhoff, Guiling Wang, Penny Vlahos

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28 Scopus citations


Future climate warming may increase water temperature, stratification, and the occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms in drinking water reservoirs. Herein, past relationships between air temperature, water temperature, thermal stratification, and cyanobacteria prevalence are quantified in six Connecticut, U.S.A., reservoirs. Lake-specific empirical models were developed and used to project historical (1971–2000) and future (mid-century, 2041–2070) water temperature and thermal stratification in the study lakes. Projections are driven with downscaled air temperature projections from three general circulation models (i.e., HadGEM2-CC365, CCSM4, and GFDL-ESM 2M) under Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5. Results suggest that reservoirs in Connecticut are warming relatively quickly over time and that surface, average, and bottom water temperatures may continue to increase by 0.44°C, 0.30°C, and 0.16°C per decade, respectively. Future projections of thermal stratification indicate that significant increases may occur in July–September and that stratification is likely to begin 2–4 weeks earlier and last 2–4 weeks longer by mid-century. High-risk cyanobacteria blooms, defined as those exceeding 70,000 cells ml−1, historically occurred in three of the study reservoirs and are correlated with the occurrence of high surface water temperatures, cool bottom water temperatures, and high total Relative Thermal Resistance to Mixing (RTRM). Days per year with extreme high water temperatures and total RTRM are projected to increase significantly in the future. This shift may favor increased dominance of certain cyanobacteria species that tend to grow best in these extreme conditions, especially in reservoirs where cyanobacteria blooms are already a concern.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere2020WR027185
JournalWater Resources Research
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Water Science and Technology


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