title = "Genomics of Fagaceae",
abstract = "An overview of recent achievements and development of genomic resources in the Fagaceae is provided, with major emphasis on the genera Castanea and Quercus. The Fagaceae is a large plant family comprising more than 900 species belonging to 8-10 genera. Using a wide range of molecular markers, population genetics and gene diversity surveys were the focus of many studies during the past 20 years. This work set the stage for investigations in genomics beginning in the early 1990s and facilitated the application of genetic and quantitative trait loci mapping approaches. Transferability of markers across species and comparative mapping have indicated tight macrosynteny between Quercus and Castanea. Omic technologies were more recently developed and the corresponding resources are accessible via electronic and physical repositories (expressed sequence tag sequences, single-nucleotide polymorphisms, candidate genes, cDNA clones, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries) that have been installed in North America and Europe. BAC libraries and physical maps were also constructed in Castanea and Quercus and provide the necessary resources for full nuclear genome sequencing projects that are currently under way in Castanea mollissima (Chinese chestnut) and Quercus robur (pedunculate oak).",
author = "Antoine Kremer and Abbott, {Albert G.} and Carlson, {John E.} and Manos, {Paul S.} and Christophe Plomion and Paul Sisco and Staton, {Margaret E.} and Saneyoshi Ueno and Vendramin, {Giovanni G.}",
note = "Funding Information: Interest in chestnut breeding was revived in the 1980s, primarily by the efforts of Gary Griffin of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Charles Burnham and colleagues at the University of Minnesota. Griffin (2000) developed a breeding program to enhance resistance within the pure C. dentata species by intercrossing a few large trees that managed to survive in the forest canopy before succumbing to the disease. Griffin{\textquoteright}s work has been supported by The American Chestnut Cooperators Foundation. A second breeding program was started by Burnham, who suggested that an American-type tree could be recovered by a series of crosses of Asian/American hybrids back to American to recover the American phenotype, followed by an intercross of moderately resistant trees to increase the resistance level (Burnham et al. 1986; Fig. 6). Funding Information: support from the French National Research Agency (ANR). The project is a collaborative effort between INRA and Genoscope (http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/spip/spip.php? lang0en). In France, oaks are by far the most important forest tree species. Pedunculate oak (Q. robur) and the closely related species sessile oak (Q. petraea) represent one third of the total forested area in France, i.e., approximately 5,000,000 ha. Oaks have a high socioeconomic value, providing various wood and biomass resources, barrels for wine, firewood, and timber for construction and furniture. The oak forest also provides important ecological services such as soil and water protection and maintenance of terrestrial biodiversity. Funding Information: Acknowledgments We are grateful to the NSF and European Commission (Directorate General Research) for their financial support to two research projects that have produced substantial genomic resources within the Fagaceae: The Fagaceae Genomics Tool Project in the USA and the EVOLTREE Network of Excellence in Europe. We further thank the European Commission for sponsoring the Coordination and Support Action FORESTTRAC and the workshops between North American and European scientists. Thanks to Shivenand Hiremath, Jeanne Romero-Severson, and Thomas Kubisiak for sharing their published data and insights. Funding Information: For over 20 years, William Powell and Charles Maynard of the State University of New York—College of Environmental Science and Forestry and Scott Merkle of the University of Georgia have worked to perfect transgenic technology for the improvement of chestnut. Several technical problems have been overcome, such as establishing embryogenic regeneration systems, determining the best methods for transformation and screening of transformants, improving plantlet production, and acclimatizing plantlets to the natural environment (Andrade and Merkle 2005; Powell et al. 2006; Merkle et al. 2007; Maynard et al. 2008; Andrade et al. 2009). Significant support for transgenic chestnut research is now being provided by the FHI, sponsored by the USDA Forest Service, Duke Energy, and the US Endowment for Forestry and Communities (http://www.foresthealthinitiative.org). A major focus is the transfer and testing of candidate genes for resistance to chestnut blight and ink disease. The project also includes groups working on shepherding the transgenic chestnuts through regulatory review by US federal agencies and on gauging public opinion with regard to releasing transgenic chestnuts into natural forests. Cross-pollination between transformed and nontransformed chestnuts in the forest would increase genetic diversity and adaptation to local environments of the transformed trees. Three questions being researched by the project are: (1) what is the most effective combination of transgenes for conferring resistance to chestnut blight and/or ink disease; (2) what is the best promoter for driving the transgenes (e.g., tissue-specific, wound-inducible, or constitutive); and (3) will either the transformation process itself, the construct, or the promoter have any undesired or unanticipated effects on the transformed tree or its environment (Ahuja 2011)? A matrix of constructs and promoters of many types will be tested in the next few years, with the goal of having at least one chestnut tree engineered for blight resistance deregulated by 2020. Transgenic technology has also been used on C. parasitica and its hypoviruses to permit hypovirulence to spread more quickly and more widely in a stand of chestnut trees (Nuss 2005). Funding Information: Burnham{\textquoteright}s breeding scheme depended on his hypothesis that as few as two homozygous loci from Asian chestnut would be sufficient for blight resistance. His program, supported by The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF), was developed in more detail by Hebard (2006). A third major breeding effort was initiated by Robert Leffel, a retired USDA/ARS plant breeder living in Pennsylvania. Leffel became convinced that there were too many genes for blight resistance for backcrossing to work and that the goal should be a timber-type chestnut tree, regardless of how much dentata germplasm remained. His breeding scheme avoided much hand pollination by making use of cytoplasmic male sterility, often found in F1 American/Asian hybrids where the American parent was the female contributing the cytoplasm (Leffel 2004a, b; Sisco 2004). A fourth breeding program was begun by Joseph James, a retired physician in South Carolina, when he found that his farm was infested",
year = "2012",
month = jun,
doi = "10.1007/s11295-012-0498-3",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "8",
pages = "583--610",
journal = "Tree Genetics and Genomes",
issn = "1614-2942",
publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH",
number = "3",