Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 responses to acute resistance exercise in untrained women

B. C. Nindl, L. A. Gotshalk, J. S. Volek, F. S. Harman, S. A. Tokeshi, S. A. Mazzetti, C. C. Loebel, J. O. Marx, S. E. Gordon, N. D. Duncan, W. C. Hymer, M. Putukian, W. J. Sebastianelli, W. J. Kraemer

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While serum growth hormone (GH) increases with exercise have been consistently observed, serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) responses have been equivocal. In addition, little is known about IGF-1 responses in women after acute resistance exercise. The purpose of this study was to examine serum GH, IGF-1 and lactate responses to an acute resistance exercise protocol (RE) among 47 women (22±3 yr.; 165±6 cm; 62±8 kg; 25±5 %BF). Venous blood was obtained from subjects via pre- and post-RE (6 sets of 10RM squats separated by 2 min). Serum GH and IGF-1 concentrations were then determined by radioimmunoassay. The RE resulted in significant (p≤05) increases in lactate (2.1±.8 vs. 10.4±3.2 mmol/L) and GH (4.9±6.3 vs. 16.6±8.8 μg/L), but not in IGF-1 (36.4±9 vs. 38.0+.8.4 nmol/L). Individual IGF-1 responses, however, were highly variable with changes ranging from -40% to +49%. Tenues based on these %Δs in IGF-1 revealed a 13±9% decrease (40.8±10 vs. 35.0±6 nmol/L) in tertile 1 and a 27±10% increase (31.0±8 vs. 39.6±10 nmol/L) in tertile 3; pre-IGF-1 values between these tertiles also differed. IGF-1 %Δs were not correlated with pre-exercise GH or %ΔGH values but were negatively correlated with pre-exercise IGF-1 values (r=-.51). These data confirm the independence of IGF-1 exercise responses from immunoreacrive GH, and also suggest that pre-exercise values of IGF-1 may be a factor associated with the potential IGF-1 response to exercise in women.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)A213
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1997

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics


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