Half-BPS Wilson loop and AdS2/CFT1

Simone Giombi, Radu Roiban, Arkady A. Tseytlin

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103 Scopus citations


We study correlation functions of local operator insertions on the 1/2-BPS Wilson line in N=4 super Yang–Mills theory. These correlation functions are constrained by the 1d superconformal symmetry preserved by the 1/2-BPS Wilson line and define a defect CFT1 living on the line. At strong coupling, a set of elementary operator insertions with protected scaling dimensions correspond to fluctuations of the dual fundamental string in AdS×5S5 ending on the line at the boundary and can be thought of as light fields propagating on the AdS2 worldsheet. We use AdS/CFT techniques to compute the tree-level AdS2 Witten diagrams describing the strong coupling limit of the four-point functions of the dual operator insertions. Using the OPE, we also extract the leading strong coupling corrections to the anomalous dimensions of the “two-particle” operators built out of elementary excitations. In the case of the circular Wilson loop, we match our results for the 4-point functions of a special type of scalar insertions to the prediction of localization to 2d Yang–Mills theory.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)499-527
Number of pages29
JournalNuclear Physics B
StatePublished - Sep 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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