Identification of the molecular defect in the erythrocyte membrane skeleton of some kindreds with hereditary spherocytosis

S. R. Goodman, K. A. Shiffer, L. Casoria, M. E. Eyster

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

62 Scopus citations


We have localized the molecular alteration in the membrane skeleton of two of four kindreds with hereditary spherocytosis (HS) to an alteration in the spectrin-protein-4.1 interaction due to a defective spectrin molecule. The defective spectrin-protein-4.1 interaction in these kindreds (referred to as type I HS) leads to a weakened spectrin-protein-4.1-actin ternary complex, which in turn may lead to the friable membrane skeleton and suggested membrane instability related to this disorder. Type I HS spectrin binds ~63% as much protein-4.1 as normal spectrin (with equal affinity). This defect does not correlate with splenic function or erythrocyte age in the circulation. However, the ~37% reduction in binding of protein-4.1 to HS spectrin approaches the theoretical value of 50% expected in this autosomal dominant disorder. All other type I membrane skeletal interactions (spectrin-syndein, spectrin heterodimer-heterodimer, syndein-band-3) were found to be normal. It would appear therefore that the defective HS spectrin-protein-4.1 interaction in type I hereditary spherocytosis may be the primary molecular defect rather than a secondary phenomena.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)772-784
Number of pages13
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1982

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Biochemistry
  • Immunology
  • Hematology
  • Cell Biology


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