Idiopathic inflammatory pseudotumor of the carotid sheath

Luciano Farage, Ana Carolina B.S. Da Motta, David Goldenberg, Nafi Aygun, David M. Yousem

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


We present a biopsy proven case of 47 years-old man with a carotid pseudotumor, clinically presented as carotidynia. CT showed a mass encasing and narrowing the common carotid artery and MRI showed hypointense signal in T2 and intense enhancement after contrast media administration. The patient was suspected to have an inflammatory process and steroids were prescribed. Eight days after the steroid treatment significant radiological and clinical improvement was observed. The patient remains free of symptoms.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1241-1244
Number of pages4
JournalArquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
Issue number4 B
StatePublished - Dec 2007

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Clinical Neurology
  • Neurology
  • Biological Psychiatry


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