Implementing and Sustaining Evidence Based Practice Through a Nursing Journal Club

Kevin Gardner, Mary Louise Kanaskie, Amy C. Knehans, Sarah Salisbury, Kim K. Doheny, Victoria Schirm

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Background: The outcomes based emphasis in nursing and health care delivery requires identification of best available evidence in order to produce quality, safe, and effective patient care. Finding, critiquing, and ultimately implementing the best available evidence for practice is a formidable task for many clinical nurses. Development and implementation of a nursing journal club (NJC) became one organization's successful attempt to help clinical nurses better understand and use best available evidence in actual practice. Methods: The process and structure for the NJC evolved from an additional activity scheduled outside of work to a fully established endeavor of Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Council (NR&EBP). The Nursing Professional Practice Model was foundational to establishing the NJC as a formal component within the NR&EBP Council shared governance structure. Efforts to embed the NJC included taking advantage of resources available at an academic medical center and incorporating them into the council structure. Results: Successful outcomes of the NJC include a quarterly schedule, with topics selected in advance that are based on nursing department as well as organizational driven goals and initiatives. The structure and process in place has eliminated frequently mentioned deterrents to evidence based practice such as not enough time, lack of knowledge, or no immediate application to practice. Conclusions: Incorporating the NJC as a component of NR&EBP Council has provided clinical nurses time away from clinical care that supports scholarship for nursing practice. Committed leadership and garnering of available resources have been key factors for success.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)139-145
Number of pages7
JournalApplied Nursing Research
StatePublished - Aug 1 2016

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Nursing


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