title = "Increased Prolactin Levels During Reserpine Treatment of Hypertensive Patients",
abstract = "Serum prolactin levels are significantly greater among hypertensive patients receiving reserpine as compared to levels six weeks after discontinuing the treatment (P <.005). This association between regular, longterm reserpine use and greater prolactin levels may be clinically significant, since an increased incidence of breast cancer has been reported among hypertensive patients receiving reserpine.",
author = "Lee, {Peter A.} and Kelly, {Michael R.} and Wallin, {John D.}",
note = "Funding Information: lanttionsformayneoplasticnotbeachangeuniversalorgrowthstimu¬ butrathermaybeoneofseveralpos¬ sibleetiologicfactorsactingaloneor inconjunctionwithotheragents. Wehaveevaluatedtherelationship betweenreserpineprolactinandpri¬ marilyamongpostmenopausalwom¬ en.Sincethehormonalprofileinthis groupdiffersmarkedlyfromthatin premenopausal women, implications concerningthislattergroupcannot bemade.Becauseoflimitednumbers, the significance of increased LH con¬ centrationsamongthemencannotbe interpreted. be ofintheMechanismsotherthan prolactinmayof importance to relationship reserpinetherapy breast cancer. If the pattern of in¬ creasedLHconcentrationscouldbe shown to beconsistent,onecould speculate concerningtheroleofLH and breast cancer. In this study, the sinceentirethegroupcouldnotbewomencompared,had elevated postmenopausaldue to lack of gonadotropins suppression bygonadalsteroids. This study was supported through funds pro¬ videdbytheBureauofMedicineandSurgery, USNavyDepartment,forCI5-48-487C. Copyright: Copyright 2015 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.",
year = "1976",
month = may,
day = "24",
doi = "10.1001/jama.1976.03260470034022",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "235",
pages = "2316--2317",
journal = "JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association",
issn = "0098-7484",
publisher = "American Medical Association",
number = "21",