Integration of supply chain management and quality management within a quality focused organizational framework

Xianghui Peng, Victor Prybutok, Heng Xie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


A paucity of research has explored the integration of supply chain management (SCM) and quality management (QM) within an overall organizational context. The investigation of integrating SCM and QM within an organizational framework has the potential to foster theory development of SCM and QM and to strengthen SCM and QM practice. The Baldrige Award promotes organization performance excellence and the associated framework has evolved into a notable quality focused organizational framework. Prior studies have focused on validating the effectiveness of the Baldrige framework. In this research, we integrate SCM and QM within the context of a quality focused organizational framework by proposing a modified version of the Baldrige framework and validate the proposed framework. We use cross-sectional survey data to test the hypothesized research model through partial least squares–structural equation modeling. The results support the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The research shows the importance of SCM as a major organizational construct with a significant positive direct influence on organizational results. The research also shows that SCM is a mediator for leadership and measurement, analysis and knowledge management that influence organizational results. This work discusses theoretical and managerial implications as well as implications for future research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)448-466
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal of Production Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 17 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Strategy and Management
  • Management Science and Operations Research
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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