Interleukin-15 and interleukin-2 enhance non-REM sleep in rabbits

Takeshi Kubota, Richard A. Brown, Jidong Fang, James M. Krueger

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50 Scopus citations


Interleukin (IL)-15 and -2 share receptor- and signal-transduction pathway (Jak-STAT pathway) components. IL-2 is somnogenic in rats but has not been tested in other species. Furthermore, the effects of IL-15 on sleep have not heretofore been described. We investigated the somnogenic actions of IL-15 in rabbits and compared them with those of IL-2. Three doses of IL-15 or -2 (10, 100, and 500 ng) were injected intracerebroventriculary at the onset of the dark period. In addition, 500 ng of IL-15 and -2 were injected 3 h after the beginning of the light period. IL-15 dose dependently increased non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and induced fever. IL-15 inhibited rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) after its administration during the light period; however, all doses of IL-15 failed to affect REMS if given at dark onset. IL-2 also dose dependently increased NREMS and fever. IL-2 inhibited REMS, and this effect was observed only in the light period. IL-15 and -2 enhanced electroencephalographic (EEG) slow waves during the initial 9-h postinjection period, then, during hours 10-23 postinjection, reduced EEG slow-wave activity. Current data support the notion that the brain cytokine network is involved in the regulation of sleep.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)R1004-R1012
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Issue number3 50-3
StatePublished - 2001

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Physiology
  • Physiology (medical)

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