Joint modeling of trip mode and departure time choices using revealed and stated preference data

Rajesh Paleti, Peter S. Vovsha, Danny Givon, Yehoshua Birotker

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

16 Scopus citations


Travel choices of mode and trip departure time are closely intertwined because the level-of-servicc (KOS) attributes for each mode vary substantially across time-of-day (TOD) periods. Most congestion mitigation strategies are intended to alter mode as well as trip departure time choices of travelers. Thus, these two travel dimensions have to be analyzed and modeled jointly. However, it is usually difficult to uncover the trade-offs between different LOS attributes with revealed preference (RP) data, particularly in the context of TOD choice modeling. The objective of the current study was to develop an integrated model of mode and trip departure TOD choices by using both HP and stated preference (SP) data from the large-scale household travel survey undertaken in Jerusalem in 2010. The SP component was designed specifically to compensate for the RP limitations and provide mode and departure time switches as the result of policies such as pricing. The developed model captures the impact of a rich set of socioeconomic factors and is also sensitive to a wide range of policy variables such as toll and parking cost. The developed model also accounts for several important econometric aspects and associated problems that arise during the joint KP-SP analysis while maintaining a model structure that is manageable in model estimation and subsequent application.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationTransportation Research Record
PublisherNational Research Council
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9780309295239
StatePublished - 2014

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering


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