title = "Land use-induced spillover: Priority actions for protected and conserved area managers",
abstract = "Earth systems are under ever greater pressure from human population expansion and intensifying natural resource use. Consequently, micro-organisms that cause disease are emerging and the dynamics of pathogens in wildlife are altered by land use change, bringing wildlife and people in closer contact. We provide a brief overview of the processes governing {\textquoteleft}land use-induced spillover{\textquoteright}, emphasising ecological conditions that foster {\textquoteleft}landscape immunity{\textquoteright} and reduce the likelihood of wildlife that host pathogens coming into contact with people. If ecosystems remain healthy, wildlife and people are more likely to remain healthy too. We recommend ten practices to reduce the risk of future pandemics through protected and conserved area management. Our proposals reinforce existing conservation strategies while elevating biodiversity conservation as a priority health measure. Pandemic prevention underscores the need to regard human health as an ecosystem service. We call on multi-lateral conservation frameworks to recognise that protected and conserved area managers are in the frontline of public health safety.",
author = "Reaser, {Jamie K.} and Tabor, {Gary M.} and Becker, {Daniel J.} and Philip Muruthi and Arne Witt and Woodley, {Stephen J.} and Manuel Ruiz-Aravena and Patz, {Jonathan A.} and Valerie Hickey and Hudson, {Peter J.} and Harvey Locke and Plowright, {Raina K.}",
note = "Funding Information: We thank Robyn Egloff for help developing Figure 1, Eliza Krause for formatting references, and Abi Tamim Vanik for sharing insights and reference material. We are grateful to Brent Mitchell and Adrian Phillips for the invitation to contribute to this special issue, as well as editorial, reviewer, and copyediting contributions that improved the final product. RKP was supported by NSF DEB-1716698, DARPA PREEMPT D18AC00031, and the USDA NIFA Hatch 1015891. HL was supported by a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant to the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative which sponsors the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force. For CABI, AW acknowledges core support from various agencies.11. Funding Information: We thank Robyn Egloff for help developing Figure 1, Eliza Krause for formatting references, and Abi Tamim Vanik for sharing insights and reference material. We are grateful to Brent Mitchell and Adrian Phillips for the invitation to contribute to this special issue, as well as editorial, reviewer, and copyediting contributions that improved the final product. RKP was supported by NSF DEB-1716698, DARPA PREEMPT D18AC00031, and the USDA NIFA Hatch 1015891. HL was supported by a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant to the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative which sponsors the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force. For CABI, AW acknowledges core support from various agencies.11 Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2021, IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature. All rights reserved.",
year = "2021",
month = mar,
doi = "10.2305/IUCN.CH.2021.PARKS-27-SIJKR.en",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "27",
pages = "161--178",
journal = "Parks",
issn = "0960-233X",
publisher = "IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature",
number = "Special Issue",