Leader-Follower Synchronization of Euler-Lagrange Systems with Time-Varying Leader Trajectory and Constrained Discrete-Time Communication

Abdelkader Abdessameud, Abdelhamid Tayebi, Ilia G. Polushin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

70 Scopus citations


This paper addresses the leader-follower synchronization problem of uncertain networked Euler-Lagrange systems under directed interconnection graphs in the presence of communication constraints. We present an adaptive distributed control algorithm such that a group of Euler-Lagrange systems asymptotically synchronize their states to those of a dynamic leader with a time-varying trajectory. The information exchange between all systems in the network is assumed to be discrete in time, intermittent, and subject to irregular communication delays and possible packets dropouts. It is shown that leader-follower synchronization is reached for arbitrary characteristics of the communication process provided that the directed interconnection graph contains a spanning tree. Simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number7551196
Pages (from-to)2539-2545
Number of pages7
JournalIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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