Limits on inelastic dark matter from ZEPLIN-III

D. Akimov, H. M. Araújo, E. J. Barnes, V. A. Belov, A. Bewick, A. A. Burenkov, R. Cashmore, V. Chepel, A. Currie, D. Davidge, J. Dawson, T. Durkin, B. Edwards, C. Ghag, A. Hollingsworth, M. Horn, A. S. Howard, A. J. Hughes, W. G. Jones, G. E. KalmusA. S. Kobyakin, A. G. Kovalenko, V. N. Lebedenko, A. Lindote, I. Liubarsky, M. I. Lopes, R. Lüscher, K. Lyons, P. Majewski, A. Murphy, F. Neves, S. M. Paling, J. Pinto da Cunha, R. Preece, J. J. Quenby, L. Reichhart, P. R. Scovell, C. Silva, V. N. Solovov, N. J.T. Smith, P. F. Smith, V. N. Stekhanov, T. J. Sumner, C. Thorne, L. de Viveiros, R. J. Walker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

45 Scopus citations


We present limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross section for inelastic dark matter from a reanalysis of the 2008 run of ZEPLIN-III. Cuts, notably on scintillation pulse shape and scintillation-to-ionisation ratio, give a net exposure of 63kgday in the range 20-80 keV nuclear recoil energy, in which 6 events are observed. Upper limits on signal rate are derived from the maximum empty patch in the data. Under standard halo assumptions a small region of parameter space consistent, at 99% CL, with causing the 1.17tonyr DAMA modulation signal is allowed at 90% CL: it is in the mass range 45-60 GeVc-2 with a minimum CL of 87%, again derived from the maximum patch. This is the tightest constraint yet presented using xenon, a target nucleus whose similarity to iodine mitigiates systematic error from the assumed halo.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)180-183
Number of pages4
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 2010

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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