Local Linear Discriminant Analysis (LLDA) for group and region of interest (ROI)-based fMRI analysis

Martin J. McKeown, Junning Li, Xuemei Huang, Mechelle Lewis, Seungshin Rhee, K. N. Young Truong, Z. Jane Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


A post-processing method for group discriminant analysis of fMRI is proposed. It assumes that the fMRI data have been pre-processed and analyzed so that each voxel is given a statistic specifying task-related activation(s), and that individually specific regions of interest (ROIs) have been drawn for each subject. The method then utilizes Local Linear Discriminant Analysis (LLDA) to jointly optimize the individually-specific and group linear combinations of ROIs that maximally discriminates between groups (or between tasks, if using the same subjects). LLDA tries to linearly transform each subject's voxel-based activation statistics within ROIs to a common vector space of ROI combinations, enabling the relative similarity of different subjects' activation to be assessed. We applied the method to data recorded from 10 normal subjects during a motor task expected to activate both cortical and subcortical structures. The proposed method detected activation in multiple cortical and subcortical structures that were not present when the data were analyzed by warping the data to a common space. We suggest that the method be applied to group fMRI data when warping to a common space may be ill-advised, such as examining activation in small subcortical structures susceptible to mis-registration, or examining older or neurological patient populations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)855-865
Number of pages11
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1 2007

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Neurology
  • Cognitive Neuroscience


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