Lubrication of engineering surfaces - II. Final report.

J. I. McCool

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The state of the art of performance prediction for rolling/sliding contacts was reviewed in terms of the statistical microgeometry of the contacting bodies and the properties of the fluid medium that separates the surfaces. An asperity contact model and guidelines for preprocessing (filtering) roughness data and for assessing the distortional effect of stylus radius and flight, record length, sampling rate and quantization error on the generalized surface characterization required by the contact model were developed. The limitations of the assumptions of mechanical and statistical independence and Gaussianity, inherent in asperity contact models and the limitations of modelling asperity shapes as 2nd order polynomials were delineated. The validity was tested of a combined fluid/Coulomb model for predicting the traction transmitted when real surfaces undergo relative rolling and sliding in the important regime where the lubricant film is thin enough to permit some degree of asperity contact. The statistical error inherent in surface characterizations was also examined. (from author's abstract)

Original languageEnglish (US)
Journal[No source information available]
StatePublished - 1983

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering


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